
Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Ozone and it's Layer deplation


  • ·         O3 or trioxygen
  • ·         Pale blue gas with a distinctively pungent smell
  • ·         Harmful to breath
  • ·         occurs in the Earth's upper atmosphere. (the stratosphere) and lower atmosphere (the troposphere)
  • ·         Ozone absorbe ultraviolet radiation coming from the sun and protect the life of Earth

Fig: Ozone layer of Earth

(Source: [1])

Formation of the Ozone layer

Basically ozone in the atmosphere form following two main processes:

  • When UV radiation hit the stratosphere of the earth, the Oxygen molecule dissociates into atomic oxygen.
  • Atomic oxygen quickly combine with molecular oxygen and form Ozone.


O2                    =                      O   +   O

O   +   O2           =          O3

Ozone Layer Deplation

The process of reduction of the amount of ozone remaining in the earth's upper atmosphere OR thinning of the Earth's ozone layer in the stratosphere is called ozone layer depletion. The depletion is caused by the chemical compounds containing gaseous like carbon dioxide, chlorine, bromine, etc releasing from industries and by human activities. (One chlorine atom can break more than 100,000 molecules of ozone)

Fig: Process of Ozone Layer depletion

(Source: [1])

Various industries while producing substances like cement, soaps, solvents, refrigerator, A.C., use CFCs (harmful substance) which is carried into high to the stratosphere by the wind; results decreasing of O3 present.

Causes of Ozone Depletion

Man-Made Causes

Releasing of Chlorofluorocarbonsby solvents, spray aerosols, refrigerators, air-conditioners, etc.

Unregulated Rocket Launches

Nitrogenous Compounds such as NO2, NO, N2O

Release of Methyl chloroform

Natural Causes

Sun-spots and stratospheric winds

volcanic eruptions


Effect of Ozone Deplation

1.     Effect on Human

Skin cancer, sunburn, malignant melanoma development, cataracts

2.     Effect on Plant

Reduce growth and physiological development

Bring change of nutrient

Changes the reproduction and life cycle

Decreases disease resistant capacity

Changes the lifecycle of phytoplankton

3.     Effect on Animal

Eye and Skin cancer

Reduction of marine animals

Change of food chain

4.     Effect on Biogeochemical cycle

Measure to prevent Ozone deplation

1.      Limiting private and old vehicles.

2.      Using eco-friendly household equipment

3.      Avoiding the use of pesticides

4.      Banning the use of Harmful gases

5.      Making rocket launching process more eco-friendly

For the protection of the Ozone layer in 1985, Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer  formalize international cooperation which results on 16 September 1987, signing of "Montreal protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer" by governments, scientists and industries owners. After the protocol; World Ozone layer protection Day is being celebrated on September 16,


1. eSchooltoday. (n.d.). your cool tips on Ozone Depletion. Retrived from

2. Gupta, K. (20 September, 2016). Presentation on Ozone deplation. Retrived from

3. Wuebbles, D. (19 Jan., 2011). Ozone depletion atmospheric phenomenon. Retrived from

4. Guterres, A. (n.d.). International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer | 16 September. Retrived from United nation:'s%20governments,of%20all%20ozone%2Ddepleting%

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